How To Self Publish A Children’s Pop Up Book

Self-publishing a custom pop-up book can be a rewarding and creative endeavor. It allows you to bring your imaginative ideas to life and share them with children around the world. In this guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of self-publishing a children's pop-up book, from understanding the process to marketing and promoting your masterpiece.

self publish pop up book

Understanding the process of self-publishing a pop-up book

Before diving into the world of self-publishing, it's important to understand the process involved in creating a pop-up book. Unlike traditional books, pop-up books require additional planning and design considerations. They consist of intricate paper engineering that brings the story to life through three-dimensional illustrations. Familiarize yourself with the basic principles of paper engineering and study existing pop-up books to gain inspiration for your own project.

Researching and planning your pop-up book

To create a successful custom pop-up book, thorough research and planning are essential. Start by brainstorming ideas for your story and identifying the target age group of your book. Consider what themes and concepts would resonate with children in that age range. Research popular pop-up book trends and themes, and identify unique elements that will set your book apart from others in the market. Create a detailed outline of your story, including the key scenes and pop-up elements you envision.

Finding a reliable pop-up book printer

Once you have completed the planning stage, it's time to find a reliable pop-up book printer. Look for a printer that specializes in printing pop-up books and has experience working with self-published authors. Ask for samples of their previous work to ensure their quality meets your expectations. Consider factors such as printing techniques, paper quality, and binding options. Obtain quotes from multiple printers and compare their prices and turnaround times before making a final decision.

Designing and creating the illustrations for your pop-up book

Designing and creating the illustrations for your pop-up book is a crucial step in the self-publishing process. If you have artistic skills, you may choose to illustrate the book yourself. Alternatively, you can hire a professional illustrator to bring your story to life. Collaborate closely with the illustrator to ensure the illustrations align with your vision for the book. Keep in mind the technical aspects of paper engineering and design illustrations that can be easily transformed into pop-up elements.

custom pop up book printing

Writing the story and adding text to your pop-up book

The story and text of your pop-up book play a significant role in engaging young readers. Develop a captivating storyline that captures the imagination of your target audience. Keep the text concise and age-appropriate, allowing the illustrations and pop-up elements to take center stage. Consider using simple language and incorporating interactive elements that encourage reader participation. Proofread and edit your story multiple times to ensure it flows smoothly and is free of errors.

Preparing your pop-up book file for printing

Before sending your pop-up book file to the printer, it's crucial to ensure it is properly prepared for production. Double-check that all images and text are in high resolution and correctly positioned. Pay attention to the bleed and trim settings to avoid any unwanted cropping or white spaces. Convert your file to the printer's specifications, following their guidelines for file format and color profiles.

Printing your custom pop-up book 

Once your file is prepared, it's time to bring your pop-up book to life by printing it. Consult with your chosen printer to determine the best printing techniques and materials for your book. Provide them with the necessary files in the correct format, ensuring that all pop-up elements are properly labeled and organized. Request a physical proof of the pop-up book to ensure the final product meets your expectations.
Once approved, proceed with the print run, considering factors such as quantity, paper quality, and any additional finishing options. After printing, carefully trim and assemble the pages, ensuring that the pop-up elements are aligned correctly. Take your time to ensure the highest quality craftsmanship.

Marketing and promoting your pop-up book

After all the hard work of creating your custom pop-up book, it's important to market and promote it effectively to reach your target audience. Utilize online platforms, such as social media and your own website, to showcase your book and generate buzz. Consider reaching out to influencers, bloggers, and reviewers who specialize in children's literature. Attend book fairs and events to connect with potential readers and other authors. Offer discounts and promotions to encourage sales, and don't forget to request reviews from satisfied readers.

How much does it cost to print a pop-up book?

The cost of printing a pop-up book can vary depending on factors such as size, the number of pages, the complexity of the pop-up elements, finish options, and the quantity of books ordered, etc. On average, printing a custom pop-up book can cost anywhere from $2 to $15 per book. It's important to obtain quotes from different printers and consider the quality they offer before making a decision. Keep in mind that investing in high-quality printing is essential to ensure your pop-up book stands out in the market.

print a pop up book

Extra resources and tips for self-publishing a children's pop-up book

Self-publishing a children's custom pop-up book is a complex process, but with the right resources and tips, you can navigate it successfully. Here are some additional resources and tips to aid you on your journey:
Join online communities or forums dedicated to self-publishing and pop-up books. They provide valuable insights and support from experienced authors and illustrators.
Attend workshops or webinars on pop-up book creation and self-publishing. Learning from industry experts can help you refine your skills and stay updated on the latest trends.
Consider creating a series of pop-up books to build a loyal fanbase. Once children fall in love with your first book, they will eagerly anticipate the next installment.
Don't be afraid to experiment with different pop-up techniques and materials. Push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of pop-up books and let your creativity shine.


Self-publishing a children's custom pop-up book is a labor of love that requires careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can turn your ideas into a tangible and enchanting book that will captivate young readers. Embrace the journey of self-publishing, and don't be afraid to think outside the box. With determination and perseverance, you can make your dream of becoming a published author a reality.
Interested in creating your own custom pop-up book? Start planning and let your imagination run wild! Start printing your custom pop-up book with us, we can make sure your pop up book is printed in professional quality. So that you can bring your story to life and captivate young readers around the world.

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