The basic knowledge in catalog printing

Catalog printing includes three major processes, that is, pre-press, printing, binding.

Whether the prepress process design is scientific or not is the premise and key to determine the quality of product printing.



1. Pages and surfaces

The "page" in the calculation of a catalog printing, consisting of front and back sides, refers to this page.A single page number, known as the surface, is usually referred to as a "P", such as a customer said I this book word version 180 P, color map 12 P and so on, that is, refers to a single page referred to, this point we must distinguish clearly, otherwise quotation will be a problem.


2, Sheets

The catalog is usually printed in folio as a sheet. The so-called sheet refers to the paper that is printed on the machine after cutting according to the printing needs, which is usually called the sheet.8 pages in 16-format and 16 pages in 32-format on a sheet.

Split edition: less than 1 printing sheet is called split edition. For a complete book, such as 4.25 printing sheets, 5.75 printing sheets, etc., they are respectively called genuine edition 4 sheets, 1/4 printing sheet, 5 genuine printing sheet, 1/2 printing sheet, 1/4 printing sheet, etc.It is important to note: 16 open book edition to meet its minimum points  edition to meet 1/8, 1/4, 32 size minimum points otherwise very troublesome when binding in catalog printing.


3, flap:

Flap is the folding part of the cover or the dust jacket . The width is determined according to the needs of customers.


4, dust jacket: generally used for hardcover books, closed in the book case, with the flap folded into the book case and attached to the book.


5, waist seal: used outside the book, around the book, two ends folded into the cover, inside the back cover.


Tabs: refers to the inserted pages in the book other than the normal arrangement of legitimate and divided editions, usually colored pages, which do not account for the page number of the book, so they are called interfolds. The tabs are determined by the arrangement requirements of the chief editor, normally the paper is thicker than the text.



7. span page: refers to a picture across two adjacent pages, also known as jigsaw, co-version, color version of the book is more common, black and white version also occurs, encounter such pages, in the construction of a single important description column, must be drawn to the printing, binding attention, to prevent printing color difference, binding jigsaw misalignment and other phenomena.

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